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Candidate Profile

JobLine uses a profile that presents you in a professional format that our Employers prefer.  Better than a resume, your JobLine Profile communicates industry specific skills, experience, training, and details employers want to know, without having to wade through a resume.  If done thoroughly and accurately, Employers say it can be like having a first interview.

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First Name: Last Name: Address Line 1: City: Home Phone: State: Zip: Call After: Cell Phone:
Address Line 2:

This will fill in key information in your profile when you authorize presentation, and provides the employer with your current employment status on the first page they see.  If you are not employed, please leave it blank. This information is Strictly Confidential and will not be disclosed without your permission. 

Work Phone:       Ext:

Contact Preferences:

We communicate using the Message Center. You will receive messages from your recruiter and from our automated system. How would you like to be notified about new messages?
(Please be sure to enter your cell number in your profile and select the carrier above if you wish to receive text notifications.)

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Password: Confirm Password: Security Question: Answer:

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When you click on Submit our system will email a confirmation link to your email address.  This link is critical to confirm a connection between your JobLine and Email accounts.  JobLine sends notices to you when there are jobs to be reviewed, questions regarding job inquiries, or other messages.  Without the connection, you may miss critical notifications. Make sure that you put in your email program's safe sender's list and in the safe sites list in your web browser. You should receive the confirmation message in a few minutes.  If not, check your spam folder.  You can also use the contact us tab to request another confirmation email. 

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